You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times.
—Steve Jobs, Make something beautiful, 2023
You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times.
—Steve Jobs, Make something beautiful, 2023
Steve Jobs em Nova Orleães em 1984, por Jean Pigozz. Depois de uma conferência, à procura de jantar na Avenida O’Keefe, Steve repara em alguém a utilizar um Macintosh. Quase a completar 29 anos, a meses de ser posto fora da empresa que ajudou a fundar, passaria os 11 anos seguintes a lançar a Pixar e a NeXT.
From: Steve Jobs,
To: Steve Jobs,
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 11:08PM
I grow little of the food I eat, and of the little I do grow I did not breed or perfect the seeds.
I do not make any of my own clothing.
I speak a language I did not invent or refine.
I did not discover the mathematics I use.
I am protected by freedoms and laws I did not conceive of or legislate, and do not enforce or adjudicate.
I am moved by music I did not create myself.
When I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself survive.
I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor, object oriented programming, or most of the technology I work with.
I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am totally dependent on them for my life and well being.
Sent from my iPad
(A primeira coisa que li no Steve Jobs Archive.)
Steve Jobs often told people that his experiments with LSD had been one of his two or three most important life experiences. He liked to taunt Bill Gates by suggesting, “He’d be a broader guy if he had dropped acid once or gone off to ashram when he was younger.” (Gates has said he did in fact try LSD.)
—Michael Pollan, How to Change Your Mind, Allen Lane, 2018
I believe people are smart. And some people want to share more data than other people do. Ask them. Ask them every time. Make them tell you to stop asking them if they get tired of your asking them. Let them know precisely what you’re going to do with their data.
—Steve Jobs, Conferência D8 (YouTube), 2010
É uma coisa boa a Apple nunca ter cedido às empresas que vivem de recolher a nossa informação e à qual dizem ter direito. Não têm. Tudo indica que nas próximas actualizações dos sistemas operativos iOS e OSX teremos ainda mais controle sobre o que queremos ceder.
Como nunca há nada simples, foi fascinante observar durante a primeira vaga da Covid-19, a facilidade com que as pessoas abdicaram da sua liberdade mais básica (uma espécie de versão espontânea das “amplas liberdades” com que os comunistas enganam o povo), a quantidade de polícias do vírus que surgiram e a vontade de rapidamente cederem tudo relativamente à privacidade.
Um dia na vida dos seus dados (PDF).