— Let me… fair means one side got exactly what they wanted in a way that the other side can’t complain about.

— There’s no such thing as fair.
Nono episódio da quarta temporada de Yellowstone, criado por John Linson e Taylor Sheridan.
— Let me… fair means one side got exactly what they wanted in a way that the other side can’t complain about.
— There’s no such thing as fair.
Nono episódio da quarta temporada de Yellowstone, criado por John Linson e Taylor Sheridan.
when all the cards are in
when all the chips are counted
the smiles smiled
the pictures taken
i wonder
if they’ll say
you played fair
of game?
—Nikki Giovanni, The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni 1968-1998, Harper Perennial, 2007