— You can cut a man dead in 16 words or less.
Oitavo episódio da primeira temporada de Rain Dogs (2023), criado por Cash Carraway. (Em tempos conheci alguém que era capaz de matar um só com a língua portuguesa, em seis palavras ou menos.)
— You can cut a man dead in 16 words or less.
Oitavo episódio da primeira temporada de Rain Dogs (2023), criado por Cash Carraway. (Em tempos conheci alguém que era capaz de matar um só com a língua portuguesa, em seis palavras ou menos.)
Before I go on with this short history let me make a general observation—the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise. This philosophy fitted on to my early adult life, when I saw the improbable, the implausible, often the “impossible” come true.
—F. Scott Fitzgerald, Esquire (magazine), The Crack-Up, Fevereiro de 1936
A substituição de acção de exploração potencialmente perigosa por um pensamento cada vez mais flexível e abstracto significa a possibilidade de expansão de conhecimento sem exposição directa ao perigo e constitui uma grande vantagem para o desenvolvimento da inteligência.
—Jordan Peterson, Mapas do Sentido, Lua de Papel 2019 (1999)
“I’m not that smart”
Someone said that to me the other day and it was heartbreaking.
The number of tasks in our culture that require someone who was born with off-the-charts talent is small indeed.
Just about everything else we need people to do is the result of effort, practice and care. It’s true that variations of that work are easier for some folks, but no one finds all of it easy going.
The correct thing to say is, “I don’t care that much.” I don’t care enough to do the reading, to fail along the way, to show up, to make a promise, to learn as I go, to confront failure, to get better at the work.
All of that might be true.
But you’re almost certainly smart enough.
—Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog
In fact, now that you know why we see what we do, to not enter conflict with doubt is to enter with ignorance, since intelligence is to not keep repeating the same behaviour in the hope of a different outcome. At the heart of “seeing yourself see differently” is a rational reason for courage… the courage to occupy spaces of uncertainty.
—Beau Lotto, Deviate, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2018