— …once you’ve lost trust, can you ever get it back?

— Well, it would take work, a lot of work.
Frasier, primeiro episódio da nona temporada.
— …once you’ve lost trust, can you ever get it back?
— Well, it would take work, a lot of work.
Frasier, primeiro episódio da nona temporada.
— Corkmaster is the most prestigious position in our club.
— If elected, I plan to have vertical tastings, and guest speakers, perhaps even a trip to Portugal, where some of the world’s finest corks come from.
— I wish I had a cork right now.
Décimo sétimo episódio da sétima temporada de Frasier.
— I even showed her my rarely seen collection of 18th century Portuguese bud vases.
— And how did she react?
— Well, if you must know, she was rather aroused. She said she loved a man who collected porcelain, and, oh, my God! I’m dating a whore.
Segundo episódio da sétima temporada de Frasier.
— I just know the type. Today, she’s got you going against your better judgement.
— Pretty soon you’ll be thinking about her all the time.
— Losing sleep, missing work, neglecting your friends.
Décimo nono episódio da quinta temporada de Frasier.
— Oh, I love making people laugh. To me, humour is like medicine.
— Guess we’re in the placebo group.
Nono episódio da quarta temporada de Frasier.