O episódio “My Coffee With Niles” visto por 130 animadores. Via Kottke.
O episódio “My Coffee With Niles” visto por 130 animadores. Via Kottke.
— Don’t go.
— I’ve been thinking a little about you too.
Frasier, vigésimo episódio da décima primeira temporada.
— A promising relationship doesn’t come along very often, and when it does, it’s worth sticking your neck out for.
— What I’m saying is…
Frasier, décimo nono episódio da décima primeira temporada.
— I had a great time when I was younger. I did.
— But after a while, that way of life just seems… empty.
— And you have to go deeper and commit to things that really matter to you.
Frasier, quarto episódio da décima temporada.
— I just want you to know, that no matter what happens, you are a really good…
— Don’t. Don’t use the F-word.
— I wasn’t about to. I was gonna say we’re friends.
Frasier, primeiro episódio da nona temporada.