— Sempre tiveste a coragem para fugir. Tiveste a coragem para fazer outra coisa. Isso é algo que eu admiro muito e o que nunca me atrevi a fazer.
A Irmandade da Sauna (2023), realizado por Anna Hints.
— Sempre tiveste a coragem para fugir. Tiveste a coragem para fazer outra coisa. Isso é algo que eu admiro muito e o que nunca me atrevi a fazer.
A Irmandade da Sauna (2023), realizado por Anna Hints.
— Tem de reconhecer uma coisa.
— O quê?
— A tarde já vai no fim e depois do almoço ninguém se atreveu a dizer-lhe que tinha salsa nos dentes. Fui o único.
Ôtez-moi d’Un Doute (2017), de Carine Tardieu.
Candace Owens e Kanye West em Paris.
In fact, now that you know why we see what we do, to not enter conflict with doubt is to enter with ignorance, since intelligence is to not keep repeating the same behaviour in the hope of a different outcome. At the heart of “seeing yourself see differently” is a rational reason for courage… the courage to occupy spaces of uncertainty.
—Beau Lotto, Deviate, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2018
To love is to love another’s deviance. What makes you you and them them is how one deviates from the norm. (…) It’s about whether two people’s madnesses are compatible. To enter conflict consciously with doubt as a part of your ever-evolving history of perception is difficult, risky even, especially if the other person is not entering the conflit with an understanding of the principles of perception. Thus, in addition to humility, creativity requires courage because you are stepping into a space that your brain evolved to avoid.
—Beau Lotto, Deviate, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2018