Hoje em dia já ninguém lá vai, aquilo está cheio de gente

Artigos etiquetados “amor


Publicado em 04/05/2023

You don’t love someone for their loss, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.

–Citação atribuída erradamente a Oscar Wilde (1894-1900), tem tantas pistas que não é dele que seria cansativo enumerá-las todas.

Less Lonely

Publicado em 17/04/2023

Your partner is a film-maker and you were previously in a relationship with director Olivier Assayas. Is it just easier to date fellow film-makers?
[Laughs] I guess it’s stimulating for me to be in a couple with somebody who is also a passionate film lover. It’s not a conscious choice, it’s just happened that way. I love to have discussions, to share my doubts and fears with the person closest to me. I have faith in cinema as an art form, maybe the greatest art form. Living with somebody who has the same belief feels less lonely, you know?

Entrevista com Mia Hansen-Løve, The Guardian, 16 de Abril de 2023

Sudden Light

Publicado em 08/03/2023

I have been here before,
But when or how I cannot tell:
I know the grass beyond the door,
The sweet keen smell,
The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.

You have been mine before,—
How long ago I may not know:
But just when at that swallow’s soar
Your neck turn’d so,
Some veil did fall,—I knew it all of yore.

Has this been thus before?
And shall not thus time’s eddying flight
Still with our lives our love restore
In death’s despite,
And day and night yield one delight once more?

—Dante Gabriel Rossetti


Publicado em 10/02/2023

Les Choses qu'On Dit, les Choses qu'On Fait

— E pensei, na sorte que tive em ter encontrado e vivido com uma mulher como ela.

Les Choses qu'On Dit, les Choses qu'On Fait

— E também pensei que… Que nunca estive à altura… da oportunidade que a vida me tinha dado.

Les Choses qu’On Dit, les Choses qu’On Fait (2020) de Emmanuel Mouret.