Hoje em dia já ninguém lá vai, aquilo está cheio de gente

Artigos etiquetados “amigos

All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs

Publicado em 12/12/2024

All my friends are finding new beliefs.
This one converts to Catholicism and this one to trees.
In a highly literary and hitherto religiously-indifferent Jew
God whomps on like a genetic generator.
Paleo, Keto, Zone, South Beach, Bourbon.
Exercise regimens so extreme she merges with machine.
One man marries a woman twenty years younger
and twice in one brunch uses the word verdant;
another’s brick-fisted belligerence gentles
into dementia, and one, after a decade of finical feints and teases
like a sandpiper at the edge of the sea,
decides to die.
Priesthoods and beasthoods, sombers and glees,
high-styled renunciations and avocations of dirt,
sobrieties, satieties, pilgrimages to the very bowels of  being …
All my friends are finding new beliefs
and I am finding it harder and harder to keep track
of the new gods and the new loves,
and the old gods and the old loves,
and the days have daggers, and the mirrors motives,
and the planet’s turning faster and faster in the blackness,
and my nights, and my doubts, and my friends,
my beautiful, credible friends.

—Christian Wiman, Poetry, Janeiro de 2020

The Normal

Publicado em 07/12/2021

The key, if you want to build habits that last, is to join a group where the desired behavior is the normal behavior.

—James Clear, Atomic Habits, Avery, 2018

(Isto é uma forma de dizer aquilo que na prática foi a minha educação básica. O terror dos meus pais e dos meus avós sempre foram as companhias. E o pior é que funciona ainda melhor para comportamentos e hábitos indesejados. Parece óbvio, mas está muito longe de o ser para mesmo muita gente.)