Hoje em dia já ninguém lá vai, aquilo está cheio de gente

Artigos etiquetados “alemanha


Publicado em 28/11/2024

É aquilo que nos lembramos que devíamos ter dito, quando já saímos e vamos a meio das escadas…
Em francês há o l’esprit de l’escalier, que é a mesma coisa.

L’homme sensible, comme moi, tout entier à ce qu’on lui objecte, perd la tête et ne se retrouve qu’au bas de l’escalier.

—Denis Diderot, a propósito de ter ficado sem fala num jantar com uma observação de Jacques Necker (sobre Diderot ver também “O Efeito Diderot”)

Cry For Help

Publicado em 08/05/2024

Germany’s Left party has suggested that the state subsidize doner kebabs to the tune of almost €4 billion per year. Inflation and rising energy costs have nearly doubled the price of the Turkish snack staple in recent years. In a policy paper seen by German tabloid Bild and reported on Sunday, the Left proposed capping the price of a doner kebab at €4.90 or €2.50 for students, young people, and those on low incomes. With the cost of a kebab now averaging €7.90, the government would pick up the rest of the tab, the paper states. “A kebab price cap helps consumers and kebab shop owners. If the state adds three euros for every kebab, the kebab price cap would cost almost four billion,” the party wrote in the paper, explaining that around 1.3 billion kebabs are eaten in Germany every year. “When young people demand: Olaf, make the kebab cheaper, it’s not an internet joke, but a serious cry for help,” Left party executive Kathi Gebel told Bild, referring to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “The state must intervene so that food does not become a luxury item.”

German opposition wants kebab price cap, RT, 7 de Maio de 2024 (censurado por cá mas visível noutros países da Europa como Áustria ou Bélgica)