Hoje em dia já ninguém lá vai, aquilo está cheio de gente

Artigos da categoria “Livros e Poesia


Publicado em 21/02/2025

Times went on. The sun shifted in the sky, the clocks struck thirteen, and in the Ministry of Truth, the workers were busy rectifying the news. It had been announced on the telescreen that the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the beginning of next week. Then, without any warning, it was announced that the ration was to be increased to twenty grammes. Winston’s mind went back to the evening before, when he had heard the announcement of the increase. He had just taken a nibble of the chocolate and had been thinking how much better it tasted than the stuff they had had last year. But the announcement had been made only that morning, and already it had been superseded. The Party had announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes, and then, a few hours later, that it was to be increased to twenty grammes. The masses, of course, accepted it without question. They were too ignorant to see the contradiction, and too frightened to care.

—George Orwell, 1984, 1949


Publicado em 28/01/2025

Agora recolhia na memória cada uma das palavras que ele me dissera e procurava ver se havia amor nelas, agarrava naquelas palavras todas e dava-lhes voltas e voltas dentro de mim, e a certa altura pareciam ter um significado e logo a seguir significavam outra coisa e por fim largava-as e toldavam-se-me os olhos.

—Natalia Ginzburg, Foi Assim, Relógio D’Água 2023 (1947)

Uma Espécie

Publicado em 24/01/2025

— Talvez também viesses a gostar de mim aos poucos — disse-me. — Mas não vale a pena falar disso agora. Falar faz doer ainda mais. Acabou. Vês, estou aqui perto de ti, mas não encontro mais nada para te dizer. Gostava de fazer alguma coisa por ti, para te ajudar, mas ao mesmo tempo tenho uma espécie de vontade de me ir embora e de não ouvir mais falar de ti.

—Natalia Ginzburg, O Caminho da Cidade, Relógio D’Água 2024 (1942)